Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Some beaded beads, a few of my own design and invented through just playing around.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Heres a small smattering of some of my early polymer clay textured designs. all of the textures were made from found objects throughout the house!


and these are some creative canes ive made

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Welcome to the universe!

              Greeting everyone in the Blogosphere or Blogododecahedron! This will be a depository of my greatest passion, Jewelry making and the art and mathematics behind it. I'm not much of a mathematician but it is apparent to me and im sure many of those out there that math = beauty : beauty = math.
     My belief is that life is all about experience. In the least common denominator what do we do? Some may say we think, I say we SENSE, all of our thoughts are molded by the experience we absorb. In a simpler way to look at it, we live through our experiences and NEW experiences more than anything. If i can make something that's never been seen before or introduce a foreign idea to someone i feel as though i have helped to add to their lives, and in turn they are inspired and a simple act,idea, or object ripples through a global consciousnesses and adds the the total of infinite.
       My philosophy has always been if you are going to do or learn something, then you grasp onto that idea and nurture it until death do you part, letting the idea evolve you while simultaneously nudging the idea along. It seems like we all have a symbiotic relationship with ideas by either subconsciously or by our will interacting with them and modifying them and letting them modify us.
     Its this interaction of experience, oneness, creativity and the constant strive for infinite that is, I think...... The core of beauty. The sheer fact that beauty exists and can be experienced is incredible.
  If you reverse engineer something you try and figure out what "that things" purpose is. tear it down to its contingent parts and what your left with is a series of components. with humans the senses are those components. are the senses there strictly so you can survive....... maybe, but it just seems like their is so much more to it than that. smelling a burning forest alerts us to danger. consider that same sense when you smell your loved one walk into a room or that meal my grandmother poured love into. all of the flowers smelling so different and each smell having an identity all its own. and this is just one sense. the amalgamation of the senses create or link to the universe and that is the most beautiful thing in existence .

Carl Sagan i think puts it best   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wupToqz1e2g

It is so miraculous being as infinatly small as we are we can experience so much. its truly unfathomable!

This is why i put the whole of who i am into anything i a passionate about , be it object manipulation, polymer clay, bead weaving, and my girlfriend. My goal in life is to add as much as can before im gone and hopefully when this plane of existence doesn't require me any longer than i can do the same thing in the next plane :)

I will be posting my ideas on philosophy, creativity, bead-making, bead weaving, fire spinning and spiritually (not religion, mind you)

May the universe bless you and may you bless the universe!